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Jesmonite & Terrazzo

What do I do if my Jesmonite mixture is too thick?

As long as you have followed the guidelines and added the correct amount of liquid this shouldn’t happen. If it does, you can simply add a little more Jesmonite liquid to the mixture and it should loosen it up. Just add about a teaspoon of liquid to

Which colours work well together when mixed?

The possibilities are kind of endless when it comes to mixing colours. It’s great to take inspiration from nature, books, magazines, food and things we see around us as some of the best colour combinations are often right in front of us. Often contra

My piece has broken! How can I fix it?

We know the feeling of heartbreak! There are a couple of things you can do to save your piece and bring it back to life. You can place the broken piece back into the mould, make some more Jesmonite mixture and pour it into the other half. Leave it to

How much time will it take to make my Jesmonite creation?

Give yourself about 3-4 hours in total. This includes creating terrazzo chips and also allowing your piece to set. It’s worth noting we do advise you leave you final piece for 24 hours but unless you like watching paint dry, you won’t be needed whils

Is this kit suitable for kids and during pregnancy?

All of the materials used in this kit are non-toxic and safe for people who are pregnant and children. The materials are made from natural derivatives, making them very safe to handle. It's important to note that materials used should not be ingested

How long does the kit last?

Whilst unopened the kit will last for 9 months. Once opened, the pigments are good to use for 9 months.

How long do I need to spend on sanding?

This depends on the mould you have chosen! Sanding does require a little elbow grease, especially if you are revealing Terrazzo chips in your design. If you have opted for a marbled effect on any of your pieces, you won’t need to do much sanding at a

I've put Terrazzo chips in my design but I can't see them!

If you haven’t yet sanded your piece, then that might be why you can’t see them. You will need to sand your design in order for the chips to show through – keep going with 80 grit sandpaper to see them.The other option is you might not have added eno

Can I use something else instead of baking paper when making the Terrazzo chips?

Yes you can! Cling film works well too, but make sure you wrap it around a wooden chopping board otherwise it can move around and you need a flat steady surface to work from.

Are all the tools (e.g. sandpaper) included in the kit?

Nearly all of the tools are included in the kit for you, so you can easily get making at home! The kit includes plastic gloves, paper cups, mixing sticks and sandpaper for you to use. You will need to grab a couple of bits from your home -- digital s

I've scratched my piece while sanding, what should I do?

Grab your 220 grit sandpaper and go over the scratch with a small amount of water, this should smooth out the scratch nicely. When working on your sanding, always have a bowl of water handy and keep the paper and piece wet as this reduces scratches.

I have a colour pigment on my clothing, how can I remove it?

Colour pigment is a form of ink, and will leave a stain on clothes. When making your piece it’s always advised that you wear an apron or an old tee and protect any surfaces around you.

How many pieces can I make?

You can make up to 9 pieces depending on the mould you choose. Each kit has a re-usable mould and enough materials to make enough pieces to adorn your home with or give as a gift to someone. - Coaster Kit: You can make up to 5 hexagonal coasters and

How long does it take for the Terrazzo chips to set?

Once you have spread your Terrazzo chips out on your baking paper, you can leave them to set for 20-30 mins. If it’s a hot day it might be a little less and if it’s a cold day, it might be a little more. Jesmonite gets hot whilst drying, so wait unti

How long does it take for my piece to set?

Once you have poured your mixture into the mould, you want to allow this to set for 40-60 mins. If it’s a hot day it might be a little less and if it’s a cold day, it might be a little more. Jesmonite gets hot whilst drying, so wait until it is cold

How many moulds come in the kit?

That depends on the Kit you choose! - Coaster Kit has 1x Hexangonal Mould and 1x Round Mould- Tealights + Tray Kit has 1x Oval Tray Mould and 1x Tealights Mould- Facepot Kit has 1x Facepot Mould- Shell Kit has 1x Shell Tray Mould

Why is my piece a different colour now that it is dry?

Wet materials often have a more vibrant colour to them and can dull down a little once they have fully dried. To bring out a more vivid version, you can seal your piece using a small amount of coconut oil or beeswax, buffing it into the surface with

Can I use the Terrazzo chips in the Shell or Facepot mould?

It's not reccommended that you include chips within these moulds as you need to sand the piece to reveal the chips and this can sand away the definition on both. However, this is your creation so if you fancy trying it out then you can!

Can I add multiple chip colours to one piece?

You absolutely can! When you're making your chips you can divide your measurements into 2 or 3 and make different colours. Doing this really makes your piece pop!

Should I store my Jesmonite liquid and powder at a certain temperature?

You would need to store the Jesmonite powder and liquid between 5 degrees and 25 degrees. It's important to not let the liquid freeze so avoid keeping it in very cold temperatures.

Can I speed up the setting time by applying heat or cold?

It’s recommended that you leave the pieces to complete their reactions and dry naturally for the piece to be fully set. On a hot day, your Jesmonite mixture will start to set quicker so you will have a little less working time.

What is Terrazzo?

Terrazzo is a style of stone work that dates back to 18th century Venice, Italy. The Venetian stone masons would place marble fragments next to each other in a mortar or concrete base. They were then sanded and polished to make the speckle pattern th

Can I wash the silicone mould?

Yes you can! You can use warm soapy water to wash your silicone mould and then you can re-use it again to make another creation.

Can I use the moulds for other materials (e.g. resin)?

As the moulds are made of silicone they have lots of uses. You can absolutely use them for epoxy resin.

How much colour pigment should I use?

The golden rule with colour pigments is that a little goes a very long way. Always start with a tiny amount (one small drop) and build up to the colour desired. You can always add more but it’s very hard to adjust if you add too much too soon.

Do I need to seal the piece with anything?

Sealing is always a great option to bring out the final colours, and add a slightly water resistant finish to it. You can buff a small amount of coconut oil or beeswax into the surface of your piece using a soft lint free cloth. Start with a little a

Will it break if I drop it?

Yes, treat it like a ceramic piece, it’s durable but not indestructible.

Is this the same as resin? I've been concerned about using resin as it's toxic

The good news is that Jesmonite is non-toxic and super-safe to use. The ingredients are made from natural derivatives and water-based which means they are not toxic to handle. It also makes them an eco-friendly and sustainable material, so they are k

Can I use my Jesmonite piece as a candle holder?

You sure can! You can use the Tealights as a holder for small candles, or you could use the coaster or tray to place candles on top of.

Can you mix the Terrazzo chips into oven bake or air dry clay?

Due to the baking process that oven clay goes through, it is not recommended that you mix the two materials. Whilst you can add Terrazzo chips into your air dry clay, as you do not sand it, you won’t be able to see the chips properly.

What size is the mould?

All of the moulds are different sizes! If you would like to know the dimensions, please check the product details.

Can I use my Jesmonite piece to serve consumables?

It is not advised that you use Jesmonite & Terrazzo to serve food and drinks in. If your piece is not sealed, it is not waterproof and can absorb any moisture or food debris that comes into contact with it, therefore it is not advised.

What should I do if I get Jesmonite mixture on my skin?

Don't worry, this will easily come off your skin! You can wash it off with warm soapy water. We recommend using the gloves provided in the Kit when you are making, this avoids getting too messy and getting any on your skin.

Can I use the kit for a date night or night with friends?

Absolutely! Jesmonite & Terrazzo crafting is a very fun way to get playful on a date night, with friend or as a family activity. If you're having a night with just the two of you, you can share 1x Kit between you. If you have friends or family coming

Would this kit make a good gift?

You can gift this kit in two ways! You can use the Jesmonite & Terrazzo Craft Kit to create gifts for your friends and family - each kit includes enough material to make a beautiful set for someone special. Plus, it's a zero-waste craft so if you hav

What are the dimensions of your moulds?

Jesmonite & Terrazzo Mould Dimensions:.

Do the Terrazzo chips come in the kit?

No, you will need to make the Terrazzo chips yourself. Everything you need to make them (power, liquid & pigments) come in the kit.